Your entry doors play an important role in the appearance, function, and security of your business. Because of this, it’s important to choose the right option for your needs. Here at Coastal Contract Hardware, we are proud to offer a wide variety of entry doors to suit both your functional demands and your design taste. To help you make the best decision, our team has put together a brief overview of some of the most popular options in entry doors.
- Fiberglass- Fiberglass entry doors are available in a variety of styles and are a popular choice because they are often made to look like real wood. This type of door therefore offers you a range of design options and the additional benefits of being resistant to rot, insect damage, and denting.
- Steel- Steel entry doors offer the security and weather-resistant benefits of fiberglass, but for a lower cost. They require very little maintenance (though they are vulnerable to denting), and also make great insulators that will make your space more energy efficient.
- Wood- Another popular material for entry doors is wood. Wooden doors provide a classic, high-end look that other materials try to emulate, and are therefore a great choice if you want to create a striking first impression. They hold up well to wear and tear, and dents and scratches can be easily repaired. On the other hand, wood entry doors require more maintenance than other options, such as periodic painting or varnishing in order to look their best.
We hope this information has been helpful to you. If you would like to learn more about our entry door selection, call us at Coastal Contract Hardware today.