If you operate a commercial business of any kind, you immediately need entry doors equipped with commercial door hardware that will protect your business. But is your hardware really doing its job? Is your business at risk without your being aware? Here are three ways your commercial door hardware might be letting you down and what you should do about it:
1. Not Commercial Grade – This might seem outside the box, but there are countless business owners who don’t realize that they have a standard locking mechanism on their door instead of commercial door hardware. If you aren’t sure what you have installed on your doors, make sure to request a refit of commercial door hardware.
2. Not Tamper-Proof – As a commercial business owner, you’ll especially want to ensure that your locks and commercial door hardware are tamper-proof. Not only do you want to thwart burglars in any way possible, but some commercial door hardware will even show signs of tampering if there is a break in. Tamper-proof commercial door hardware is an excellent investment for your business.
3. Key Entry – If your commercial business still requires a key to gain entry, it’s time to upgrade your commercial door hardware to something more efficient and effective. Commercial access control not only eliminates the need to keep up with keys but is also an excellent security mechanism for your entryways.
At Coastal Contract Hardware, we can help you outfit your business’ doors with commercial door hardware that is safe and secure. Contact us today to learn more.