Here’s When to Use Rekeying Services

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Here at Coastal Contract Hardware, we know you care about your business, and we want to help you keep your facilities secure. To do that, we offer rekeying services—if any of the keys to your building get lost, you can call our team to have us adjust your locks and pair them with a new key, which renders the old, missing one useless. This will prevent anyone from using that key to access your building without your permission. In our experience, not everyone knows when rekeying is necessary, so we have put together this article to explain a few situations in which you should have your locks rekeyed right away.

Here’s When to Use Rekeying Services

  • If a Key is Missing- As we described above, you should get your locks rekeyed if any of the keys get lost or can’t be accounted for. Keys don’t just vanish into the void, so if a key gets lost, there’s a possibility that someone has found it, and they could use the key to get into your building. Our rekeying experts will pair your locks with a new key so that you don’t have to worry about the old one falling into the wrong hands.
  • When Buying a New Facility – We also recommend using rekeying services when you buy a new facility for your business. You don’t know how many copies of the old keys exist or who might have their hands on them, and you don’t want to risk any of the building’s previous occupants using their keys to access the place without your permission. Instead, we encourage you to take ownership of the building by pairing the locks with a new key that only you and your staff will have access to.
  • After Firing Problematic Employees- As a business owner, sometimes you will need to fire employees, and sometimes those employees will not take the decision amicably. If you suspect that a former employee might hold a grudge against the company, you should take precautions to ensure that they can’t get back into your building. We recommend rekeying your facility’s locks to keep any volatile former employees out.