4 Signs You Need Commercial Garage Door Replacement

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Many businesses rely on the use of a garage door. If your garage door has been giving you troubles, our team at Coastal Contract Hardware can step in to get to the root of the problem. If possible, we will provide you with an efficient and effective repair, but if the problem is extensive or not in your best interest, we can also provide you with a high-quality commercial garage door replacement. Here are few warning signs that you might need a commercial garage door replacement:

4 Signs You Need Commercial Garage Door Replacement

  1. Repeated alignment issues: Problems with your alignment can lead to further issues as well as major safety concerns. Someone could get hurt If the garage door gets off track and is unstable. A garage door replacement could prevent a tragic situation.
  2. Security concerns: If you have an older garage door, there’s a good chance it can be easily pried open with a crowbar or other tools. If you’ve had problems with intruders or you have valuable items that need better protection, it’s worth considering an upgrade.
  3. Multiple repairs needed: If you find you’re calling for garage door replacements frequently or if you have multiple issues needing to be fixed, then you’ll likely save money investing in a garage door replacement.
  4. High energy costs: If you have a small draft coming from your garage door, a repair may address the issue. However, if you find you’re losing a lot of heating or cooling through your garage door, a garage door replacement with insulation can drastically help reduce energy costs.

We want to help keep your business safe, secure, and efficient. We achieve this by offering top-of-the-line garage door replacements and other hardware services at a fair price. Give us a call today.